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E99: 6 Things That Will Inspire Your Teams & Your Clients process improvement Sep 08, 2021

Imagine hosting a cocktail party for potential clients and hearing everyone describe your law firm inconsistently.

Want to watch this tip instead?

Without a clear, consistent message, you put...

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E100: Are you giving your clients these 5 things? process improvement productivity Sep 08, 2021

Client satisfaction can make or break your law firm. We live by our reputations and word-of-mouth referrals. And we’ve all had to deal with a dissatisfied client at some point. So…what...

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E98: Your law firm…made simpler process improvement Sep 01, 2021

You’ve heard us say this before, but it takes more than good lawyering to run a successful law firm. There’s a whole raft of skills that law school didn’t teach you. Well, today I...

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E97: How healthy is your law firm business? industry challenges Aug 25, 2021

You are a lawyer, not a business person, right? Wrong!! It takes more than good lawyering to build a successful law firm where you practice on your own terms and have time for the life you want.


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E96: How To Create a Marketing Plan For Your Business productivity Aug 18, 2021

Summer can be slow. You take holidays, clients take holidays, and before you know it, September is upon you and your phone isn’t ringing. Without consistent business development efforts, it...

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E95: 5 Ways To Create An Ideal Home Office productivity Aug 11, 2021

Working from home (at least some of the time) is the new normal. The idea was appealing at first, but when your home “office” isn’t really a home office, working from home can be...

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E94: Two easy strategies to improve productivity productivity Aug 04, 2021

No one likes working in a mess. It’s frustrating to waste time looking for a memo, a reference text, or maybe even a pen or pad of Post-It notes. It can be even worse when you’re...

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E93: Did your vacation leave you rested? industry challenges Jul 28, 2021

Earlier this summer, we posted about the 4 steps you need to follow to have a stress-free getaway before your vacation. But what happens if your best-laid plans for an easy escape and a smooth...

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E92: Use DOWNTIME to reduce downtime in your firm this summer case study industry challenges Jul 21, 2021

According to a global study by OnePoll, employees lose about 26% of their day to avoidable administrative chores, unnecessary tasks, and outdated processes. Think of the hours you and your team...

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E91: 4 Tips For A Stress-Free Holiday Handover case study productivity Jul 14, 2021

Fun fact, research shows that humans are more productive when they take time off. Taking those vacation days could do more good than harm for your law firm’s success, although it may not feel...

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E90: 5 ways to improve your practice over the summer matter management process improvement Jul 07, 2021


When you run a busy practice, it can be hard to stay on top of all the work, let alone learn new things. Even when you know learning those new things would make your work (and your life)...

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E89: The one thing you need to keep your plans on track matter management process improvement Jun 30, 2021

What happens in your office when you get busy? Is it all hands on deck, all hours, until the work gets done? And when that happens, what becomes of your improvement initiatives? Sure, you INTEND to...

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