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Work in Your Power Zone

Build workflows that unlock the potential of your law practice.

Accredited for 1 hour of professionalism credit by the Law Societies of Ontario and BC.


August 14, 2024, 12 p.m. Eastern.


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Workflows are the key that unlocks your ability to delegate work. They’re the key to increasing productivity and profitability. They’re the key to finding time.

But what’s the key to a truly efficient workflow…Power Zones!

Join us for an interactive workshop that will change the way you allocate work in your practice, even if you’re a solo or small firm.

You’ll learn:

  • What’s the biggest efficiency-killer in a law practice (and how to avoid it)
  • What it means to work in your Power Zone (and the impact that can have on your practice and your stress levels!)
  • An easy-to-use strategy to identify the work that is in YOUR Power Zone
  • How to design workflows that ensure EVERYONE in your team is working in their own Power Zone

Join us on August 14, 2024, at 12 p.m. Eastern and start working in your Power Zone.

We presented this webinar live at the Ontario Bar Association fall meeting in October. Here’s what people said:

“This is going to change how I do everything in my practice.”

“Yours was the only presentation I took notes on.”

“This is exactly what I needed to hear.

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