Optimize Your Intake




Get the Ultimate Intake Package!


Your shortcut to an efficient client intake process for your law firm



A customizable process and step-by-step guides.

It's everything you need to handle new client inquiries, from initial contact to client onboarding. 


Get Yours Now For Just $49!

Staffing & Technology Recommendations to Increase Your Efficiency

Clear Guides & Adaptable Workflows to Optimize Your Processes

Customizable Intake Scripts & Email Templates You Can Use Immediately

Get the Ultimate Intake Package!

"I was feeling overwhelmed with the time it was taking for me to respond to new client inquiries personally, and then to follow up and convert them into paying clients.

The new process is working well. I am trying to delegate more, focusing on the end goals and giving my team clear and easy-to-follow instructions."

—James Gillis, Gillis Law


What is your inefficient and inconsistent intake process really costing you? 


Do you waste time on email & phone calls with people who aren't a good fit for your practice?


Do ideal clients fall through the cracks before they sign?


Does your team make mistakes or lose track of leads?


Do people go elsewhere because they don't get timely responses to key questions?


Are you tied to your phone, afraid you'll miss a potential client?


If you don't get intake right, you're losing money before you even start the legal work.


You need efficient legal workflows for your law firm client intake.


As lawyers and law firm productivity experts, we know how crucial a streamlined intake process is to the success of your practice.

But we also know you're busy.

So we've created a plug-and-play intake solution that will change the way you handle new client inquiries.


the fast track to an efficient intake process that will generate more revenue for your firm.

The Ultimate Intake Package

A comprehensive legal workflow kit that will revolutionize your intake process.

The Ultimate Intake Package includes everything you need to efficiently handle new client inquiries, from initial contact to client onboarding.


Perfect for small firms and solo attorneys


You'll get:


  • A customizable workflow that covers everything from initial contact to client onboarding


  • Guides for setting up, staffing, and automating your process


  • Technology tips and platform recommendations


  • Customizable email templates that engage potential clients and keep them moving through your intake process


  • An intake script builder to generate personalized scripts to ensure your team handles inquiries with confidence and professionalism ... and more!


See everything in the package

The Ultimate Intake Package is easy to implement and tailor to your specific practice. 

Get the Ultimate Intake Package For Just US $49

"I used to take an hour and a half to do intake, but now it's down to 35 minutes because my VA does all the work-up and the intake process, and all I have to do is meet the client. That's it!"

—Solo litigation attorney

Here's How It Works:

Step 1

Get the Ultimate Intake Package

Step 2

Implement your new process

Step 3

Save time & increase revenue


What's In the Package:

Click the + for more details!

That's a total value of over US $3,000

Honestly, the process map alone is worth more than that, but we've worked with small firms and solo lawyers long enough to know that $3,000 is a big outlay. 

We also know a lot of smaller firms really struggle with intake. 

So FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY you can get this package for just

US $49

Get it now!

About Gimbal's Legal Workflows

Without an effective intake process, you're losing money before the legal work even begins.

When you invest in the Ultimate Intake Package, you invest in the success of your practice.

At Gimbal, we've helped thousands of legal professionals build more productive and profitable practices. We know how important intake is to the success of a law firm.

By implementing this important legal workflow, you'll save time, increase revenue, and provide your clients with an exceptional intake experience.

We've put everything we've learned about effective intake into the Ultimate Intake Package, giving you the fast track to your new intake process.

We've done the heavy lifting so you don't have to!

You're benefiting from  the same proven approach we've shared with our large and small law firm clients around the world.

Improve your intake today with the Ultimate Intake Package!

—Karen Dunn Skinner & David Skinner

Global Advisors (Process Improvement) to the International Institute of Legal Project Management

No matter how big your team is or what’s in your tech stack, the Ultimate Intake Package will make it easier to turn potential clients into paying clients.

The Ultimate Intake Package

Limited Time Special Offer: US $49

Everything You Need To Optimize Your Client Intake

  • The Ultimate Intake Guide to setting up your new process
  • An Intake Workflow (process map) you can plug into your firm or customize for your practice
  • Intake Assessment Tool for reviewing current processes and setting your baseline
  • Intake Goals Worksheet for setting objectives and KPIs for your new intake process

  • Ideal Client Worksheet to determine exactly WHO you want to serve and how you're going to attract them

  • 9 Customizable Email Templates and instructions for when and how to use them
  • Intake Script Builder Tool you can use to generate tailored intake scripts for your practice
  • Technology Platform Recommendations and Tips
  • Guide to Staffing Your Intake Process including roles & task lists 

  • Best Practices for Using an Answering Service and recommended services

That's a total value of over US $3,000

Get It Now for Just US $49!