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Productivity Tips

(The Lean Law Firm Blog)

Featured Article: Boost Your Law Firm's Success With Quality Onboarding

process improvement May 22, 2024

Once you’ve hired the right team to support your law firm, you’ll want to make their onboarding process as smooth as possible.

In our latest featured article on Attorney at Work, we’re sharing six ways to improve your employee onboarding. A high-quality, comprehensive onboarding process will streamline integrating your new hire and give them the support they need to feel confident in their new role.

When you hire new employees, whether business and administrative staff or attorneys, you want them adding value and hitting their profitability targets as soon as possible. Here are the six steps we recommend: 

  1. Advance Preparation (and The Steep and Deep Approach to Onboarding)
  2. First-Day Orientation
  3. Role-Specific Targeted Training
  4. Establish Goals and Feedback Channels
  5. Check in Regularly
  6. Review and Adjust the Onboarding Process

Read the full article, From Hire to Higher: 6 Ways to Improve Employee Onboarding where we break down these steps to help you develop a consistent and effective onboarding process. 

Want to take action now? Download our guide ‘Ready, Set, Scale’ to learn how to set up the systems you need to grow. 

- Karen and David

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