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Productivity Tips

(The Lean Law Firm Blog)

Featured Article: How to Improve Your Law Firm's Most Important Process

process improvement Aug 28, 2024

In every legal practice, there are important processes that happen before the legal work begins and others that happen once the legal work is done. These are your “bookends.”

If your “bookends” are not efficient, you’re wasting time and leaving money on the table in every single file that moves through your firm. 

Your Tip: Take a look at your invoicing process.

Your law firm’s invoicing process is one of the most important processes to get right. 

In our latest Attorney at Work featured article, we’re sharing five tips for optimizing every aspect of your invoicing process.

When you get your invoicing process right, you’ll be paid faster, reduce administrative costs related to billing and collections, and your clients will be happier. Everybody wins!

Read the full article, Want to Get Paid Faster? 5 Ways to Fix Law Firm Invoicing, to get our top tips to get started. 

Consider the five tips in the article and ask yourself: How can I make it easier for me to manage and for my clients to pay? 

- Karen and David

P.S. If you want to take on process improvement projects with expertise and ease, get certified in our LPIP 2-day live course. Bonus, we’ll meet with you after to ensure your process improvement project is on track. 

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