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Productivity Tips

(The Lean Law Firm Blog)

Featured Article: 5 Tips To Streamline Time Entry For Lawyers

industry challenges process improvement Jul 24, 2024
A data chart trends upwards with the text 'Time Entry Process'.

One of our clients once tracked how much time she spent entering her time and applied her billable rate. How much do you think it was across a year?


Yes. This partner was spending the equivalent of $30,000 of billable hours doing her time entries. We know other attorneys who are so late entering their time that large chunks of revenue go uncollected because it’s just too late to bill the clients.

Your Tip: Streamline your time entry process

It’s so important to efficiently enter your time so that you can ultimately increase your revenue and decrease your frustration.

In our latest Attorney at Work featured article, we share our five top tips for making the time entry process a lot less painful. 

From automatic time-tracking platforms to standardized billing narratives, these five tips will help you avoid losing your time and your money. 

Read the full article, 5 Tips to Make Time Entry Less Painful for Lawyers, for all you need to get started.

If you’re ready to streamline your process, book a free call with us. We’d love to see if we can help –or if you’d be a good fit for our upcoming LPIP (Legal Process Improvement Professional) course so you can confidently take on process improvement projects directly. 

- Karen and David

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