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Productivity Tips

(The Lean Law Firm Blog)

E234: One Tried and True Way To Add Value To Your Law Firm

delegation process improvement productivity Aug 14, 2024
A man wearing a blue long sleeves shirt writes in a notebook, his coffee and laptop on the table around him.

Let’s talk about one of the biggest wastes in your law firm: the wrong people doing the wrong work. It’s a trap that too many law firms fall into, and it’s costing you time, money, and sanity.

Picture this… You’re running up against deadlines in a complex, high-value file. You should be focused on negotiation and strategy but instead, you’re scanning documents, troubleshooting IT issues, and answering routine client emails.

Meanwhile, your paralegal is processing expense reports, and your associate is answering the phone and scheduling consultations.

Sound familiar?

This kind of misalignment happens all the time, and it’s a massive drain on your resources.

To be truly efficient and profitable, you need to use your team’s talents to their full potential. It starts with you. Every time you find yourself doing work that someone else could handle, you’re wasting precious time that you could be spending in your Power Zone, doing the high-value tasks that only you can do.

Your Tip: Stop doing work that’s beneath your pay grade. Start by making a list of everything you do in a day and ask yourself: “Who else could be doing this?” You’ll be amazed at how much you can delegate or outsource.

Your Action Item: This week, identify one task that you regularly handle that could (and should) be done by someone else. Delegate it. Whether it’s to an associate, paralegal, or even a virtual assistant, just get it off your plate.

When you free yourself from tasks that don’t align with your expertise, you open up time to focus on the work that truly matters—the work that adds value to your clients and your firm.

Ready to dive deeper? Join us for today’s webinar and learn how to identify your Power Zone: the work you love, the work you’re great at, and the work that drives the most value for your firm. It’s time to stop spinning your wheels and start working smarter. Register here!

See you at the webinar!

P.S. Remember, the key to a more productive, profitable practice is getting the right people doing the right work. Don’t let your talents go to waste.

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