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Productivity Tips

(The Lean Law Firm Blog)

E232: Stay Focused With Quick After-Action Reviews for Your Law Firm

process improvement Jun 12, 2024
Tiles with letters spell out

We’re 6 months into the year. Are you on track to meet your annual goals?

If you committed to setting S.M.A.R.T.E.R. goals this year, now is a good time to review those goals and see where you are. 

If you’re on track, great. If not, do a quick after-action review on the first half of the year, so you can realign and finish the year strong. 

Your Tip: Don’t beat yourself up about the past - stay focused on the future.

Ask yourself these three questions to refocus on your S.M.A.R.T.E.R. goals:

  1. What went as planned…and why?
  2. What didn’t go as planned…and why?
  3. What can I do right now (this week or this month) to get back on track?

You can’t change the past, you can only look ahead. So while it’s important to understand what went wrong so you can make course corrections, don’t dwell on it. Just say to yourself, “Well, I didn’t hit my targets this time. Time to recommit.” As Gay Hendricks says in his book, The Genius Zone: The Breakthrough Process to End Negative Thinking and Live in True Creativity, “Awareness is important; criticism is absolutely unnecessary.”

Your action item: If one of your goals for the year was to implement (or at least look at) flat fees in your practice, you don’t want to miss our free training on June 25, 2024. 

Learn how to leverage existing data and resources to create accurate fees, discover AltFee’s legal technology that makes it easy to set and use flat fees, and find out how fixed fees can help you earn more from every minute you’re in the office. Register and join us! 

- Karen and David

Book reference: Hendricks, Gay. The Genius Zone: The Breakthrough Process to End

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