E149: Summer's over, it's time for renewal and refocusing at your firm
Sep 07, 2022
It's been a great summer here at Gimbal. David and I made time to relax and enjoy some family time, and I got the chance to refocus on my watercolour painting, which was great. In the midst of it all, we invested important time to work on our business.
We hope you had a blast over the past few weeks. Now it's back to business!
UPCOMING: Writing Courses…Stay tuned!
September is here, the kids are back in school, and vacations are over. It's time for renewal and refocusing. For us, that means revisiting our strategy for what remains of 2022. A part of that strategy is relaunching our writing courses, starting with a mini-course on writing better emails.
Do you have any idea how much time and money businesses lose because of bad emails? Stay tuned, and we'll be sharing more on our upcoming email course soon! While you wait, grab these email tips for 20 Ways to Use Email More Effectively.
OFFER: Matter Management Masterclass – Last Day for 20% Off
Reminder: Today's the last day to get 20% off our Matter Management Masterclass. If you find it hard to stay on top of your legal work and effectively supervise work-in-progress across your team, then this course is for you. Get the work you need out of your inbox and into a visual tool that's easy to learn and quick to implement.
In the 90 minutes it takes to complete this course, you'll supercharge your matter management skills to save time, reduce stress, and make more money. Just use the coupon code 'STICKYNOTE2022' at checkout and get access to the course today!
TIP SERIES: How to Grow A Business
We recently concluded our latest series of tips on How to Grow A Business. We introduced the 6 key elements involved in running a successful law firm business and then took a closer at each piece every week to give you insightful, helpful tips to grow and improve your practice.
Now that the excitement of summer has ended and it's back to business, it's the perfect time to review the tips, catch up on those you missed, or dive into the series if you didn't get a chance to read them. Start with the first tip in the series, here.
Practice Accelerator Coaching
Our exclusive coaching program gives you practice management and business coaching to increase your revenue and grow your practice…and we’ve got a few open spots.
Fall in love with practicing law again while also having the time for the other things that truly matter to you. Lawyers in the program work less, stress less, and achieve more (faster!).
Join now and take advantage of everything that Practice Accelerator Coaching offers.
Check out our LinkTree to access all our other programs and free Gimbal Guides.
Finally, don't forget to sign up for Gimbal's Tip of the Week.
See you next week for more practical, actionable advice you can use right away to start building a more productive and profitable legal practice.
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