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Strategies, coaching, and courses to help you


Build a Law Practice You Love

and a life you enjoy

Work With Us

Be More Efficient

Be More Productive

Be More Profitable

Tired of working long hours, worrying about revenue, and still not getting everything done?

Ā Running a successful legal practice takes more than just being a great lawyer.

Whether youā€™re starting a new practice, scaling an existing one, or planningĀ your exit, you need a clear vision, the right strategy, and a plan to achieve your goals.

Work With Us

WantĀ to streamline your law practice?

Increase law firm revenue and profitability?

Learn delegation and time management skills?

Have more time for theĀ stuff you love to do?Ā 

(or maybe all of the above?)

We can help. Here's how:


Get unstuck and realize your potential

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Practical skills & certifications on demand

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Improve productivity & profitability

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Strategy & Tactics:

Plan for yourĀ future and achieve your goals

Learn more ā˛¯

Ultimate Intake Package:

Get a Customizable Intake Process

Learn more ā˛¯

Speaking Engagements:

Energize and educate your team 

Learn more ā˛¯

 Our practical, industry-leading approach has helped thousands of attorneys allocate work better, streamline processes, and build systems that require less time and effort.

Select the right service. Book a free strategy call now.

Book a Strategy Call

Your path to a law practice you love


Choose Your Path

Develop your vision, get 1:1 support, join a coaching program, or take a course.


Follow Your Path

We'll work with you every step of the way, guiding you towards your success.


Enjoy Your Success

Grow your revenue and reputation. Have time and freedom to enjoy your success.

Get Started Today!

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We will send you the guide you've requested and other practice-management-related information from time to time. Unsubscribe at any time.

Being successful shouldn't be so hard

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We do four things to significantly improve law firm productivity and profitability, by helping lawyers:

  1. Develop their long-term strategy and a roadmap for achieving their goals
  2. Improve operational efficiency by optimizing legal processes and strengthening business & administrative systems
  3. Manage time & resources more effectively through delegation, matter management, and work allocation
  4. Communicate powerfully by improving writing skills, marketing, and messaging

We do these four things in three ways:

  1. Online and in-person training
  2. Group and 1:1 coaching
  3. Strategic planning and consulting

We're lawyers with decades of experience practicing law, providing strategic advice, and improving systems, efficiency, profitability, and productivity in law firms and legal departments around the world.

Lawyers who work with us focus on doing the right work the right way. They accomplish more of what matters them in less time and with less effort. They finally have the freedom to enjoy their success!

You can, too! Work with us.

Success in your inbox

Sign up for our Productivity Tips. You'll get one tip and one featured article each month, packed with practical, actionable advice that will help you build a more profitable, productive practice.

Our partners

These carefully selected legal technology platforms and service providers can help you build a better law firm business 

Full disclosure: we have relationships with some of these vendors that mean you may receive better rates and we may receive an affiliate payment. It's a win-win. Just mention that you learned about them through us.

Practice management & pricing systems

Intake & legal CRM systems

Answering services for law firms


Meet Gimbal
Terms & Conditions


Strategy & Tactics
Speaking Engagements


Tip of the Week 
Ultimate Intake Package 
On-Demand Webinars



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+1 514-667-2288